Going green

Our green certificates

Encomas is the first and only property developer in Kedah to be accredited the GreenRE Manager and Green Building Index Facilitators. That shows how committed we are to our environment. We are committed to build our building green and adopt green features to promote sustainable development in our entire project.

The first in Kedah

GreenRE and Green Building Index

Encomas is the first and only property developer in Kedah to be accredited the GreenRE Manager and Green Building Index Facilitators. That shows how committed we are to our environment. We are committed to build our building green and adopt green features to promote sustainable development in our entire project.

GreenRe Manager

1408707218With sustainability being the issue currently at the very heart of the Real Estate Construction Industry and the emerging technologies for the development of energy-eficient buildings, that attract consumers and businesses, the demand for green development has never been stronger. Thus, GreenRE, the industry's driven green rating standard has been established to promote the development of a more sustainable and liveable built environment and as response to the growing need for green development.

GreenRE is designed for all the Real Estate and Construction Industry to encourage and enhance the participation of industry professionals. Industry professionals are encouraged to design and build green, sustainable buildings in a more integrated manner.

GreenRE incorporates internationally recognized best practices to provide the industry with a more efficient and practical green tool. Aimed at promoting greater adoption of green practices and technology amongst the Malaysian Real Estate corporations, GreenRE offers efficient solutions to green certification at affordable costs to the industry.

Green Building Index Facilitator

GBI-LogoThe Green Building Index (GBI) is Malaysia's industry recognized green rating tool for building to promote sustainability in the built environment and rase awareness among Developers, Architects, Engineers, Planners, Designers, Contractors and the Public about environmental issues and our responsibility to the future generations.

The GBI rating tool provides an opportunity for developers and building owners to design and construct green, sustainable buildings that can provide energy savings, water savings, a healthier indoor environment, better connectivity to the public transport and the adoption of recycling and greenery for their projects and reduce our impact on the environment.