Lorong Caffe Diem won the #JCI Sustainable Development Award under the category of Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Thank you to the community of Pekan Cina, Diemily, Encomas family and everyone who help us make the community project a reality.
Lorong Caffe Diem won the #JCI Sustainable Development Award under the category of Sustainable Cities and Communities.
沙努西昨晚為“吉打河之聲”藝術節主持開幕致詞時,也讚揚推動此文化活動的“年輕人”馬來西亞禾樂藝術及文化協會和Diem Bakery聯辦單位。“吉打河之聲”是於昨日和今日一連2天,從早上11時起至晚上10時,在米都唐人街碼頭舉行一系列文化藝術活動,吸引逾500人參與,為中秋節洋溢濃濃的文化氣氛。