
Project CSR: Our Challenge and Our Commitment

As a SME in a small town, in one of the less developed state of Malaysia, to contribute 1% of our total revenue in CSR is a bold and daring decision. We would like to challenge the multinational company to contribute more than 1% of their revenue to CSR. At the same time we would like to urge SME like us to contribute at least 1% of their revenue for CSR or at least do some CSR every year for a start.

There is no doubt about our commitment to Project CSR. As long as we make a profit, as long as we could survive, we will continue to carry out Project CSR. In the next five years, we plan to increase the budget of our Project CSR to 2 Percent of our total revenue. We always believe that Project CSR is an ongoing project and it has to be sustainable in order to do that. That mean we have to keep making profit and grow our revenue every year.

We do Project CSR out of our heart. We know that as a medium size company there is only that much we could do in CSR. We keep doing that and we promise to do that every year. We have to be a successful company in order to be a responsible enterprise. We have to be a responsible enterprise in order to become a corporate social responsible promoter. It all comes in loop. Just like our life. It has to get started somewhere, sometime. Why not now?

For more information about our Project CSR, you can read more here.

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