Diem Bakery Building – Introduction

Diem Bakery Building

IntroductionLet us first take a walk down memory lane, way back to 1910. The Diem Bakery building, together with the adjoining identical structure that is owned by Soon Kongsi, was built by Malaysia’s badminton great Dato’ Eddy Choong’s family. The late badminton ace was from a prominent family based in Kedah who later moved to Penang.


Diem Bakery Building – The Calligraphy Room / Purple Room


Diem Bakery Building

The Calligraphy Room / Purple Room


The inspiration for creating the Calligraphy Room, located on the first floor of the building was derived from the owner’s visit to the Forbidden City and its surroundings in Beijing, China, in 2018.


The concept is based on the Chinese wordings Zi Qi Dong Lai which literally translated to mean “the purple cloud shine from the east of the sky”. Traditionally in Chinese culture, the color purple represents prosperity and good luck, and is associated with royalties and nobles. It is believed purple refers to the North Star which in traditional Chinese astrology is the abode of the Celestial Emperor.

The Hanging Lights (8)

Diem Bakery Building – The Hanging Lights

The Hanging Lights (8)


Diem Bakery Building

The Hanging Lights


The hanging lights on the ground floor of the Diem Bakery building is a permanent art installation created by the Encomas team. The lighting covers were fabricated by a young and talented local tinsmith, Lim Zhan How from Pekan Cina. A third generation tinsmith who apprenticed from his father, he had hand crafted the 48 pieces of round cone shape lighting covers made from bronze and tin plates.

nanyang merdeka news

Nanyang Siang Pao News Dated 31st August 2020

庄伟松: 具保留及传承价值



(亚罗士打 30 日讯) 翻新及复兴古老建筑物, 将历史遗迹区发展成为深具活力和经济价值的社区, 被 Encomas 视为一种长期肩负的企业社会责任。

在亚 罗 士 打 , 唐 人 街 是 先 贤 最 早 落 脚 的 发 源 地 , 所 留 下 的 百 年 房 产 , 具 保 护 资 源 与 环 境 长 存 的传承价值。 米 都 的 这 一 片 福 地 , 蕴 藏 着 先 贤 积 蓄 的 血 汗 , 一 砖 一 瓦 的 搭 建 都 是 心 血 , 更 是 当 年 经 济 建 设 地 位 的 历 史 记 录。 唐人街转型发展 –  发 展 商 出 身 的 Encomas 有 限 公 司 董 事 经 理 拿 督 庄 伟 松 ,